Lucky Strike Mild, Mild "Powerful" first of Bentoel Group
Ad lucky strike when mild becomes powerful - Good evening,Lucky Strike Mild, Mild "Powerful" first of Bentoel Group |
This time I want to review smoking which today has just entered the market with Indonesia frills powerful and very unique packaging, i.e. Lucky Strike Mild. I am honestly very hard to get this stuff for now given the new today recently launched by Bentoel. I got this stuff in the end at a food stall in Depok district, and I'm actually quite surprised given usually at the smoking stalls new items will come in a few days even weeks after its launch.
I am a bit going to Lucky Strike ad mengeshare Mild played since its launch on yesterday's today (as of this posting of updates). I just got the ad from your Youtube account Jeffrey Mitchel on this night. Please watch.
There are several reasons why Lucky Strike cigarette kreteknya launched this year include the following
The success of the Dunhill version of kretek makes Bentoel seeming to want to add to its global brand portfolio-based kretek. Lucky Strike cigarettes known as SPM American Blend has a uniqueness to the process of roasting of Burley tobacco that became the hallmark of smoking. Lucky Strike seems to want to bring the process into cigarettes in this case most likely to use Tobacco as Mongooses analogue of Burley Tobacco because it has the same process that is baked.
The existence of a desire of Bentoel Group in adding sales especially in the segment of SKM LTLN. Lucky Strike Mild offers a different flavor with a Mild taste, i.e. the Dunhill stronger and different processes with usually. With this, variations in smoking SKM LTLN can vary compared to before.
This product can be said as competitors smoking middle-class, in this case Solar to compete with Pro U and Mild Mild due to the price and the content is not much different. They were both offers a different blend than the mild to medium and above, i.e. with the taste of tobacco is more hard and tar levels are more than mild medium over which generally have levels of tar under 14 mg.
Alright I will review this in the price in advance. For this price is 13,000 USD (there are a few stalls that sell with price 15,000, excise 16,000) and quantity of contents 16 rod. Somewhat different from the content that offers Mild Dunhill 20 stems in early sales. It seems to start with a conscious preference Bentoel smokers SKM LTLN the is generally smoked with contents 16 rod. For the price I rate 9.2 out of 10.
Then we see the packaging in advance
(Update: Photos of the old less so bright so I'm trying to retake the repeated but with a different warning)
Cigarette packs is based on the old blue color with the presence of concentric circles typical elements of Lucky Strike which texture I really can feel quite well. The Lucky Strike logo applied to the smoking Lucky Strike logo this is the latest, with a silver-colored logo. The presence of MILD red set in writing on the front indicate this is a variant of mild clove cigarettes Lucky Strike. The old blue color there is also accompanied with black on the upper side and bottom of the packaging. In the description of the packaging, it is able to describe the flavor mild, smooth and full of taste which one due to the addition of clove in the blendnya and the presence of the writing it's Toasted signifies the process of tobacco in the blend, this one using tobacco roasting. And in the description there is a typical slogan of Lucky Strike i.e. it's Luckies. Enjoy. On the side of the packaging there is a typical recent Lucky Strike logo depicts A r. Patterson who was the maker of this since 1871 along with Chief Powhatan who happens to have land in ancient tobacco selling its land to the American company named American Tobacco Company (now British American Tobacco Group). The presence of the logo of the Luckies BLEND the FINEST CLOVES cloves with enough confirms this is smoking cigarettes Lucky Strike with cloves. Barcode parts have in common with a Lucky Strike in General. The existence of writing 16 CLASS A signifies a CIGARETTE smoking has a weight equal to Class A fags in General, with the mild form. Incidentally, this product is made by PT Suburaman, one of the group of Bentoel which at this time made the product smoking LTLN be Starmild and SKM Club Mild. It seems to only PDIT devoted to Dunhill considering demand Squidward, this is great. I am very pleased with the packaging of the cigarettes. And the very thing that describes the sale of cigarettes. For the packaging I rate 9.5 out of 10.
Then we try to open plastiknya and packaging
It has the flavor of a sauce similar to Dunhill Filter elements, where there are cocoa, coffee and typical aroma intensity lighter than Dunhill Filter. Arguably it had almost the same core with Dunhill Filter. A sense of tembakaunya I think is very rich, with a harshness that quite feels very smooth flavor accompanied by steady. The colour is very steady, tend to be a bit heavy and powerful than mild in General. Arguably the pull of smoking is quite a hit but smooth when pulled. With the presence of roasting tobacco Mongooses that became Burley Tobacco from analog, offers a unique flavor that I think with a distinctive aroma of tobacco roasting results. The sweetness in my opinion is very fitting, and not too sweet compared to mild in General. Blendnya very balance, with the presence of elements of spicy that became the hallmark of cigarettes but not so dominant as well as earthy elements but offered with a taste that is more powerful. The duration of the burn on smoking is quite good, in fact I said quite long compared to other mild. I am very pleased at this, because arguably are very unique and different taste compared to mild in General. To think I rate 8.5 out of 10.

With packaging that's cool, cheap prices and a more steady pull, it seemed to be an alternative for you who want a powerful taste with a cheap price. I quite recommend it, especially for those of you who want a cigarette with low price but with taste. This is a weakness in its distribution that has not been evenly distributed on this day. This distribution seem to be starting on this day, and I think it will be well distributed in the end. Very good for a smoking mild, and I highly recommend it. Overall I give the value of 9.1 out of 10. Most likely, this will be my favorite cigarette substitutes namely Magnum Blue though in a sense it's still nicer Magnum Blue.
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