Management Information System Assignment

Management Information System Assignment

From Real World Case 4 :

JetBlue and The Veterans Administration : The Critical Importance of IT Processes

Question  No 1:

Eric Brinker of Jetblue noted that the database developed during the crisis had not been needed before, because the company had never experienced a meltdown. What are the risks and benefits associated with this approach to IT planning? Provide some example of each.

Answer :

The database system that developed during the crisis has now been implemented as a full system at Jetblue airways.

>> Several Risk of this IT approach are :

If system failure happen, and the IT staff cant restore or fix it quickly, the company’s whole business process will be chaotic. There will be hundreds or maybe thousands of dissapointed customers who maybe will not use Jetblue’s service anymore, which this could be decreasing Jetblue’s market share.

Implementation of the database system was not cheap. Jetblue have to allocating extra money for system maintenance in an eye to prevent the system failure. Jetblue also had to trained their workers so they understand the system.

Risk example : when Jetblue was forced to cancel more than 1000 flights after an ice storm, at that time Jetblue didn’t have enough workers who understand the reservation system. That past experience indicated that the present of IT people are critical, if they not there when they needed, the business process will be chaotic

>> Several benefit of this IT approach are:

The database system enable the workers more multitasking than before. With workers more multitasking (productivity increase)Jetblue’s efficiency increasing. That means maximize the use of the resources with acceptable cost, and that brings Jetblue more profit.

The database system also improving the way it communicates with its customers, including pushing out automated flight alert to customers via email and mobile devices. This easiness or facility given to Jetblue’s customers increase the likelihood of customer satisfaction. Satisfaction lead to repeat order which is so important for commercial companies.

Question No 2:

With hindsight, we know that the decision made by Eric Raffin of the VA not to fail over to the Denver site was the correct one. However, it involved failing to follow establish backup procedures. With the information he had at the time, what other alternatives could he have considered? Developed at least two of them.

Answer :

Eric Raffin made the decision no to fail over to the Denver site to avoid further risk Denver site could be infected. If the problem is software-related, fail over from Sacramento VA medical facility to Denver VA medical facility he could lost the remaining 11 sites in the Denver environment.

1st Alternative :

Reforming IT organization at the VA from local processing to regional data-processing centers. From the case we know that VA had its own IT service, its own budget authority, and its own staff, as well as independence with regard how the infrastructure evolved. All the decision regarding IT were made between local IT leadership official and the director of that particular medical center. This policy made standardization across sites nearly impossible. So to made standardization become far more possible and could be applied, one of the alternative is regional data-processing center.

2nd Alternative :

Using IT consultant company or IT service provider company. Companies of this kind has the advantage of more experienced on IT issues. They can help VA with two types of services, first to redesign the IT infrastructure, or even VA could fully devolved IT matters to them while VA concentrate on medical matters, for the second service type. These alternative was not cheap, San Fransisco VA Medical Center have to spend more money to pay the IT company for processing fee and maintenance fee. But if we look at the advantages of using their services, IT issues in the future can be minimized.

Question No 3:

A small, undocumented change resulted in collapse of the VA system, largely because of the high interrelationship between it applications. What is the positive side of this high degree of interconnection, and how does this benefit patients? Provide examples from case to justify your answer

Answer :

VA using two applications in their daily activities, first is VISTA which stands for Veteran Health Information System and Technology Architecture. This is the system for maintaining electronic health records. Second application is CPRS which stands for Computerized Patient Record System, is a suite of clinical applications that provides an across-the board-view of each veteran’s health record. To access CPRS user needs VISTA applications, with these two combination doctors and nurses able to pull up patient health records. From studying the record doctors could increase the accuracy of his diagnosis for the patient.

From the case, we know beside the accuracy of diagnosis, interrelationship of the systems gives the user other advantages such as enables user to real-time order checking, notification system to alert clinicians of significant events, and a clinical reminder system.

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Management Information System Assignment

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